All Our Shortbreads are Organic Natural.
We use Organic Flour, Organic Butter and Organic Stevia as the base.
Our Signature Shortbread is the base to all our Shortbreads.
By taking out the Sugar and using Stevia we have made our
Shortbread Diabetic Friendly and great for children.

Signature Shortbread
The base to all our shortbreads.
We use Organic Flour, Organic Butter and Organic Stevia
Vanilla Coffee Bean Crunch
We took our Signature Shortbread and added:
Fresh Ground French Roast Coffee Beans
we soak in Vanilla Extract

Chili Cranberry
We took our Signature Shortbread and added:
Organic Dried Cranberries and Organic Dried, Crushed Anaheim Chili Flakes
Lemon Poppy Seed
We took our Signature Shortbread and added:
Organic Lemon Oil, Organic Dried Lemon Peel and Organic Poppy Seeds

Rum & Raisin
We took our Signature Shortbread and added:
Organic Raisins soaked in Bacardi "Oakheart" Spiced Rum
Chocolate Chip
We took our Signature Shortbread and added:
Organic Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips

Chocolate & Orange
We took our Signature Shortbread and added
Organic Cocoa Powder and Organic Orange Oil
Chocolate & Mint
We took our Signature Shortbread and added
Organic Cocoa Powder and Organic Pepperrmint Oil

Shortbread Swirls:
This version is Chocolate Peppermint, but we have a selection of flavors we are looking at creating. We thought this would be a fun addition to just our plain single flavor shortbreads plus have a nice design
Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl:
This is one of our new flavor combinations, Everybody likes Chocolate & Peanut Butter, Unless you have allergies of course.